Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Space & time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Space & time - Essay Example Moreover, it is perhaps because space was not considered in situ that those space-time geometries (which are actually geometries of points of view, made by distance, and light) have burgeoned. And behind these local distortions of points of view, as interesting as they can be, we always find the abstract, traditional separation of concepts which is here proven wrong. (3) There is, as such, a universal simultaneity (with light at a certain point of its travel, incidentally) To validate the proposition of space in situation with its underlying implications must initially require the potential to grasp the traditional understanding of space in an unorthodox presentation where it may be put in a frame of reference capable of projecting or conveying its imperceptible dynamic property. By his findings in the combined queries and discourse of the philosophy of space, Kant states â€Å"Space is not something objective and real, nor a substance; nor an accident, nor a relation; instead, it i s subjective and ideal, and originates from the mind’s nature in accord with a stable law as a scheme, as it were, for coordinating everything sensed externally.† Reason for which the model in place is currently privileged At first sight, it looks surprising to see this identification presence/present being overlooked to this extent: beyond the homonymy, it is difficult to doubt that what is present spatially (what is not absent, what takes place) is actually neither past nor future, and vice versa! However, this obvious point has remained, at best, counterintuitive. Admittedly some people say â€Å"only the present exists†, but in the same breath they admit that it is â€Å"uncatchable†. And with good reason: they see it only as a temporal limit! The reason for all this is simple, fraught with consequences, yet easy to adjust: The conscience of the past, present and future, i.e. the conscience of duration, of temporality (and beyond that the one of Histor y) makes us inevitably isolate, abstract the concept of time, and in return the one of space! And therefore prevents us from seeing space as it really is: in situation. This is why the separation a priori of the concepts of space and time has, until now, always prevailed. Though time and space are disposed unto each other in forming one whole structure for the purpose of serving perspectives treated in the light of relativity on one hand, and with absolute principle on the other, they seem equivalently disposed to separatist realm. Since their discovery and evolution through concepts, human perception has been trained to detect time in fluid behaviour while space thrives in passivity no matter how it is signified to consist of and encompass conceivable dimensions. Time can be measured and quantified in seconds, minutes, hours, years, and so on so that its trait of definitiveness in this regard is a established scientific fact. Space, similarly, can be made quantifiable in volumetric terms considering the size of what can be occupied yet it appears, nevertheless, time is much more concrete for it is sought to be identified with events in dynamic flow along with all the important characters and figures constituting them. It would strip history off of its essence in being a field of

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Diversity, legal rights of students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Diversity, legal rights of students - Essay Example Each IEP should be designed for one student and should be an absolutely individualized document. The IEP channels the delivery of special education services and supports for the student with a disability (La Venture, 2003). 3) Evaluations for special education. It should involve more than a single process, be nondiscriminatory, be done in a child’s primary language, arranged by qualified multidisciplinary team, and tailored to gauge particular areas of need (La Venture, 2003). 4) Federal financial assistance. It will be given to local and state governments that provide full educational opportunities to students with disabilities. Since federal law regulates the rights of education for students with special needs, and due to the additional costs associated with educating these students, federal money is made available to schools based upon the number of students in the special education program. Every student, regardless of cost or disability, should be given by public school districts the right to an education within their schools (La Venture, 2003). 5) Due process procedures. Occasionally school districts and parents argue on how a child with disabilities must be educated. When this occurs, there are measures in place to deal with these conflicts. Parent involvement consists of a) the right to receive notice, b) equal partnership in the decision-making process, c) the right to give approval for particular activities such as changes in placement, assessments, and release of information to others, d) and the right to join in all meetings regarding their child’s special education (La Venture, 2003). 6) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) in which to learn. This concept reveals the act’s solid inclination for educating students with disabilities in general education classes with the access to general education curriculum. Education in the general education classroom is the first placement